
Is being Vanilla really a bad thing?


Being called vanilla is an insult to many, it means that you’re boring, plain and safe. But is that really always the case?

New and upcoming Leicester band Drips have romanticised the ‘boring’ flavour by giving it a completely new meaning with their new song; you guessed it, Vanilla ft Corrine Rowell. 

This song is very fluid in the sense it carries the ambiance of their other music extremely well which helps you associate the music with the band when you hear it. The riff holds a similar floaty tune to their other single, Shake and as a small band that is starting out it is really positive that after only three released singles, they have their own unique sound where you can recognise it is them without even reading their name.


As soon as the music starts you can hear the upbeat 80’s style which incorporates different traits from array 80’s bands, which has inspired their own sound. The strong melody at the beginning gives off massive The Cure vibes with a lot of their intros starting this way, but in particular, Friday I’m Love and Boys Don’t Cry definitely goes hand in hand with this song. The Smiths have clearly influenced the band, by making you want to groove to slow music, but without the cliche of wanting to dance with your prom date. The singer, Jack Birtwistle, definitely adds to their unique sound with his singing, keeping his voice fairly quiet in comparison to the music, much like the band: Joy Division. 

The song itself is about the insecurities and injustices you may be exposed to in a relationship; Drips used genuine quotes from conversations with people about their own experiences. This gives the song a much more raw and realistic feel to it, and it separates them from a band who wouldn’t look for an outside view. When you make music you want people to listen and to relate to it and by using their initiative and talking to people, instead of only using their own experiences, they have done exactly this.

Vanilla ft Corrine Rowell OUT NOW

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