
Pastel & Afflecks Palace @ The Brudenell Social Club, Leeds

Cheap beer, plastic cups, and speakers so loud you can feel the vibrations rip through your body, are all signs of a great venue. Waking up the next day with sore feet, ringing ears, and the songs from the night before stuck in your head, are all the signs of a great band. The Brudenell […]


Knebworth, Cluedo and Knob Cheese, we talked about it all with Pastel.

“I’m convinced I could out sniff some rockstars” Jack Yates 2022 I went to the pub with lead singer Jack, 22 and rhythm guitarist James, 24, who make up two-fifths of the upcoming band Pastel. The band is made up of Manchester cousins Jack and James and Swansea boys Joe Anderson (lead guitar), Rhys Wheeler […]


Oasis and The Total Stone Roses @ The Met Lounge, Peterborough

Last Night (February 26th), The Met Lounge, Peterborough was sold out as people of all ages piled in to watch Oaysis and The Total Stone Roses. Not quite the real thing, but people jumped around singing at the top of their lungs as if they were. As we got to the Met Lounge, waiting for […]