
Pastel & Afflecks Palace @ The Brudenell Social Club, Leeds

Cheap beer, plastic cups, and speakers so loud you can feel the vibrations rip through your body, are all signs of a great venue. Waking up the next day with sore feet, ringing ears, and the songs from the night before stuck in your head, are all the signs of a great band. The Brudenell […]


Knebworth, Cluedo and Knob Cheese, we talked about it all with Pastel.

“I’m convinced I could out sniff some rockstars” Jack Yates 2022 I went to the pub with lead singer Jack, 22 and rhythm guitarist James, 24, who make up two-fifths of the upcoming band Pastel. The band is made up of Manchester cousins Jack and James and Swansea boys Joe Anderson (lead guitar), Rhys Wheeler […]

Music Pop Culture

Knebworth 2022 – History Reimagined

Now that I have finally overcome my exhaustion from last Saturday (the 4th, 25,000 steps will do that to you), I can finally talk about the biblical, celestial, majestical performance that was executed by the one and only: Liam FUCKING Gallagher.  Liam Gallagher recreated history at the weekend (3rd and 4th June), playing at Knebworth 26 years […]